Detailed analysis of real time activity and optimal visibility of moveable assets or staff.

Assets / Vehicles:
- Processing time at entrance/exit gate
- Parking area waiting times
- Processing time of vehicles in loading bays
- Internal turnaround times
- Real-time / past movements
Dashboards / Reports
- Entrance/exit processing time (by vehicle by trip per d/w/m)
- Parking area waiting times
- Loading bay process time report (by vehicle by d/w/m)
- Bay statistics report
- Internal turnaround time report

Staff / Visitors on Location:
- Real-time / past movements
- Roll call
- Alerts when entering an unauthorized area/s
Dashboards / Reports
- Time spent in area by (d/w/m)
- Time spent on location / working hours per (d/w/m)
- Attendance at meetings
- Real time location