Reduce distribution costs through automated route planning and optimization.

This world class system is engineered to maximize efficiencies by identifying the most cost and time effective routes. Efficiencies are achieved through accurate resource modelling, reducing the number of resources used for deliveries, collections and service tasks, which in turn leads to reductions in:
- fuel consumption
- harmful emissions
- running & maintenance costs
- overtime costs
- reduction in total time to schedule

Real World Constraints
The automatic scheduler factors in the following when dynamically optimizing each route:
historical and up to date traffic conditions
location of visits
customer prioritization
customer resource restrictions
receiving time at customers
product and vehicle dimensions

Software As A Service
Our costing model is geared towards ensuring affordability, because it operates on a monthly subscription and pay-for-what-you-use basis, with no upfront fees. Our Software as a Service (SaaS) model negates the need for:
- hardware
- traditional software installations
- added IT infrastructure costs
Our architecture platform lends itself to rapid enterprize scaleablilty.